Mobile, hardware-accelerated urban 3D maps in 3G networks |
Antti Nurminen - Helsinki University of Technology |
3D maps can visualize static and dynamic features of real environments, and act as 3D gateways to location-based information. Insufficient network speed has been a major bottleneck for dynamic download of 3D content for mobile devices. 3G network technologies promise to solve this issue, allowing faster response times and higher data rates. Similarly, mobile 3D graphics hardware should provide a dramatic increase in rendering speed. We examine wireless IP network properties, and develop an optimized network scheme suited for navigation purposes. The presented system allows free roaming in the 3D scene, while progressively downloading 3D data. For case platforms, we use two 3G Symbian smart phones, one with 3D hardware and one without. Network, 3D rendering and overall application performances are measured. For a scalable 3D engine, 3D hardware improves the rendering performance by over an order of magnitude. By using a compressed network protocol and efficiently formatted 3D data, a textured but lightweight 3D city can be progressively downloaded in 3G networks fast and without degrading application responsiveness. |
Interactive Walkthrough of Large 3D Models of Buildings on Mobile Devices |
Alessandro Mulloni - HCI Lab Daniele Nadalutti - HCI Lab Luca Chittaro - HCI Lab |
Interactive visualization of large 3D architectural models on mobile devices such as PDAs would significantly benefit applications such as indoor navigators and mobile tourist guides, on-site monitoring and annotation of architectural designs at construction sites, evacuation training and evacuation guidance. Although PDAs are becoming more powerful and a few are even equipped with 3D hardware accelerators, their performance does not yet allow to handle a large architectural model at an acceptable frame rate. To face this problem, we propose and experiment a system that exploits hierarchical view frustum culling and portal culling for interactively visualizing 3D architectural models on mobile devices. We also discuss the performance of the system and its integration with our mobile X3D player (MobiX3D). The performance of the system has been evaluated on a large three-floor building with 39 rooms, 42 stairs and 42 doors. |
Enhancing X3D for advanced MR appliances |
Tobias Franke - Fraunhofer IGD Yvonne Jung - Fraunhofer IGD Patrick Daehne - TU Darmstadt Johannes Behr - Fraunhofer IGD |
In this paper, we explore and discuss X3D as an application description language for advanced mixed reality environments. X3D has been established as an important platform for today's web-based visualization and VR applications. Yet, there are very few examples for augmented reality systems utilizing X3D beyond a simple geometric description format. In order to fulfill the image compositing and synthesis requests of today's augmented reality applications, we propose extensions to X3D, especially with a focus on lighting and realistic rendering. |
High-quality networked terrain rendering from compressed bitstreams |
Fabio Bettio - CRS4 Enrico Gobbetti - CRS4 Fabio Marton - CRS4 Giovanni Pintore - CRS4 |
We describe a compressed multiresolution representation and a client server architecure for supporting interactive high quality remote visualization of very large textured planar and spherical terrain. Our approach incrementally updates a chunked level-of-detail BDAM hierarchy by using precomputed wavelet coefficient matrices decoded from a compressed bitstream originating from a thin server. The structure combines the aggressive compression rates of wavelet based image representations with the ability to ensure overall geometric continuity for variable resolution views of planar and spherical terrains with no need for run-time stitching. The approach is avaluated on a number of test cases and has been incorporated in an application serving tens of thousands of clients. |
On the fly Appearance Quantization on GPU for 3D Broadcasting |
Julien Hadim - IPARLA project (INRIA Futurs - LaBRI) Tamy Boubekeur - IPARLA project (INRIA Futurs - LaBRI) Mickaël Raynaud - IPARLA project (INRIA Futurs - LaBRI) Xavier Granier - IPARLA project (INRIA Futurs - LaBRI) Christophe Schlick - IPARLA project (INRIA Futurs - LaBRI) |
This paper presents an improved client-server system that increases the availability of remote 3D data. In order to reduce the required bandwidth, the data related to the appearance (color and normal) involved in the rendering of meshes and point clouds is quantized on-the-fly during the transmission to the final client, without reducing the geometric complexity. Our new quantization technique for the appearance that can be implemented on the GPU, strongly reduces the CPU load on the server-side and the transmission time is largely decreased. |
3D Data Codec and Transmission over the Internet |
Su Cai - Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality
Technology, Beihang University Yue Qi - Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology, Beihang University Xukun Shen - Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology, Beihang University |
In this paper, a compression method of encoding/decoding 3D mesh based on octree is proposed. Vertices of the 3D mesh are re-classified according to the octree rule. We analyse all the nodes of the octree statistically to identify the type of nodes which accounts for the max proportion and encode them with fewer bits. According to the transmission sequence of geometric information, we rearrange topology and attribute information and encode them. Progressive strategies adopted by the single model and the scene are different in order to maximize the use of network bandwidth and computational performance of local machines. This method has high compression rate, is adapt to network transmission with short response time at the client and can control the level of detail of the model decoding. |
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes |
Emanuele Danovaro - Department of Computer Science - University of
Genova Laura Papaleo - Department of Computer Science - University of Genova Davide Sobrero - Department of Computer Science - University of Genova Marco Attene - IMATI - CNR Waqar Saleem - Computer Graphics group - Max Planck Institut Informatik |
Shape inspection options in most of the current online shape repositories provide limited information on the shape of a desired model. In addition, stored models can be downloaded only at the original level of detail (LOD). In this paper, we present our application that combines remote interactive inspection of a digital shape with realtime simplification. Simplification is parameterised, is performed in real-time and the results are again available for inspection. We have embedded the application in a shape repository whereby, having found a suitable simplification, users can download the model at that LOD. |
Using Web3D Technologies for Visualization and Search of Signs in an International Sign Language Dictionary |
Fabio Buttussi - HCI Lab - Dept. of Math and Computer Science - University
of Udine Luca Chittaro - HCI Lab - Dept. of Math and Computer Science - University of Udine Marco Coppo - Italian Deaf Association (ENS) - LIS Working group - Udine |
Sign languages are visual languages used by deaf people to communicate. As with spoken languages, sign languages vary among countries and have their own vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, the different deaf communities need a dictionary that associates signs to the words of the spoken language of their country as well as dictionaries which translate signs from a sign language to another. Several researchers proposed multimedia dictionaries for sign languages of specific countries, but there are only a few proposals of multilanguage dictionaries. Moreover, current multimedia dictionaries suffer from serious limitations. Most of them allow only for a word-to-sign search, while only a few of them exploit sign parameters (i.e., handshape, orientation, location, and movement) to allow for a sign-to-word search. Current solutions also commonly use pictures or videos to represent signs and their parameters, but 2D images are often misleading for a correct identification (e.g., recognizing an handshape can be very difficult due to occlusions). This paper aims at facing the above described issues, exploiting Web3D technologies such as X3D and H-Anim humanoids to better understand signs and to simplify sign-to-word and sign-to-sign search, by proposing an online international sign language dictionary, called 3DictSL. The paper presents the client-server architecture of 3DictSL and authoring tools which allow deaf communities to extend the dictionary with their own language. As a practical case study, the paper discusses the implementation of Italian Sign Language (LIS). |
Protein CorreLogo: an X3D representation of co-evolving pairs, tertiary structure, ligand binding pockets and protein-protein interactions in protein families |
Scooter Willis - University of Florida |
To understand the functional elements of a protein structure biologists use domain specific 3D viewers (PDB) that are written to process the coordinates of atoms that represent the solved protein structure using X-Ray crystallography or NMR. The PDB viewers have been written to capture specific or common features of interest to the researcher. With the explosion of protein sequence data comparative studies and statistical analysis of data can indicate regions of interest in 3D models. The ability to integrate statistical data into existing PDB viewers is difficult because the software is typically written to accomplish very specific functional goals and does not support exporting to a standard 3D format. In this paper, the PDB data is shown as X3D PDB ribbon models that are augmented with statistically significant data and compared to an Information-Rich Virtual Environment represented as a Protein CorreLogo X3D model. A protein family (Pfam) represents multiple alignments of protein sequences where protein domains and the tertiary structures have evolutionary conserved regions representing protein function. Various information properties of the protein family, the tertiary structure from a sequence’s PDB structure and ligand binding pockets are combined to create a 3D Protein CorreLogo model. The multiple sequence alignment from the protein family is used to detect co-evolving amino acid pairs using mutual information. Co-evolving pairs are indicated as a column with color coding to represent the physio-chemical properties of each co-evolving amino acid combination. Additional visualizations along each axis include the 2D sequence logo, the degree of insert regions in the protein family and the surface accessibility of each amino acid for the referenced PDB sequence. The Protein CorreLogo model is based on X3D (VRML) facilitating immersive viewing of complex data relationships and detected co-evolving pairs. Two protein families are presented in the results section that compare the Protein CorreLogo model with a representative X3D RDB ribbon model showing the structural significance of predicted co-evolving amino acid pairs using mutual information. One example protein family, with proteins that bind cyclic nucleotides (PF00027.18), is given where the co-evolving pairs are potential markers for ligand binding pocket regions. Another example protein family, with SH3 domains that are involved in signal transduction related to cytoskeletal organization (PF00018.16), shows significant mutual information occurring between two pairs of amino acids that are in contact in the intertwined dimer structure but are on opposite ends of the tertiary structure. Protein CorreLogo X3D models and X3D PDB ribbon models can be found at |
ISAS: A Human-Centric Digital Media Interface |
James Oliverio - Digital Worlds Institute - University of Florida Yvonne Masakowski - US Naval Undersea Warfare Center Howard Beck - University of Florida Raja Appuswamy - University of Florida |
The Integrated Situational Awareness System (ISAS) initiative at the University of Florida Digital Worlds Institute has demonstrated an effective web services-enhanced graphically-based environment for globally-distributed operations ranging from humanitarian aid during large-scale environmental disasters to high-level collaboration and augmented decision-making in civil and coalition activities. |
A Reusable 3D Visualization Component for the Semantic Web |
Alessio Bosca - Politecnico di Torino Dario Bonino - Politecnico di Torino Fulvio Corno - Politecnico di Torino Marco Comerio - Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Simone Grega - Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca |
Ontology visualization and exploration is not a trivial task as many issues can affect the effectiveness of interactions. As ontologies are, in the general case, quite connected graphs where concepts are the nodes and semantic relationships the edges, the problems include space allocation, edge superposition, scene over-crowding, etc. In this paper we propose a solution for the visualization and the exploration of ontologies using a 3-dimensional space, where information is represented on a 3D view-port enriched by visual cues. Our visualization tool aims at tackling representation issues of ontology models (as space allocation or the completeness and readability of displayed information) by adopting different views, at different granularities, in order to grant a constant navigability of the rendered model. Each provided view represents semantic information according to a different, task-based visualization paradigm, at a suitable level of detail. Besides being primarily implemented as a Protégé plug-in, the proposed solution (named OntoSphere3D) is designed to be a reusable visualization component within Semantic Web applications; in fact, every scene can be exploited as a standalone facility that provides access to ontological data through an intuitive and appealing 3D interface. A case-study, is presented, where re-usability is demonstrated by integrating the OntoSphere3D visualization inside an Eclipse-based tool for Web Service design (called Web Services Design Tool) developed by some of the authors in the context of another research project. |
Semantic-based Rules for 3D Scene Adaptation |
Ioan Marius BILASCO - Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) Marlène VILLANOVA-OLIVER - Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) Jérôme GENSEL - Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) Hervé MARTIN - Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) |
3D data is democratizing on the Web as it becomes available to everybody on almost all access devices. Still, 3D data is a heavy medium, as it contains a lot of geometric and texture information. This complexity raises a lot of problems, especially when data initially designed for great capacity access devices, is to be deployed on small devices. Due to the great heterogeneity of access devices and of their users and usages, the adaptation of already designed data is an important issue. In this paper, we present a rule-based adaptation framework that deals with the adaptation of X3D scenes. An adaptation rule indicates a type of adaptation to be applied to a set of objects which fit with the rule criterion. A basic set of adaptation techniques are registered within the framework. The framework is flexible and additional adaptation engines can be registered in order to support large sets of adaptation techniques. |
COLLADA Physics |
Erwin Coumans - Sony Computer Entertainment America Keith Victor - Media Machines Inc. |
COLLADA Physics gives an overview of the COLLADA 1.4 standard physics format and its use in the 3D physics content pipeline. It will describe design decisions, implementation, compatibility and interoperability aspects of adopters of this industry standard, as well as its relationship with other standards such as X3D from the Web 3D Consortium. |
TimeClock - Flexible Animation Control in X3D |
Olavo Belloc - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of São
Paulo - Brazil Marcio Cabral - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of São Paulo - Brazil Marcelo Zuffo - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of São Paulo - Brazil |
In this paper we propose an alternative approach to create animations in X3D. This approach allows extended flexibility to control animations during run-time. Among the extended features, it is possible to: control the speed of the animation; play the animation backwards; repeat any specific time interval of the animation and access any key-frame instantly. In order to illustrate this we propose a new node called TimeClock node. This node implements the same functionalities of a TimeSensor node but with the ability to independently set the time frame, overcoming current X3D limitations in the time model specification for creating animation with interpolators. We think this approach is useful for both animators, developers and users: animators can carefully analyze on the fly their work, users can easily control an animation using a DVD like interface and developers do not need to worry about creating several different interpolators for the same animation. We present our current results along with some examples of usage. |
Binding External Interactivity to X3D |
John Stewart - CRC Canada Sarah Dumoulin - CRC Canada Sylvie Noel - CRC Canada |
The VRML and X3D Standards have achieved success as a method for not only 3D Model Interchange, but also for creation of complex synthesized 3D worlds. Shortcomings in VRML and X3D exist in the areas of manipulation of aural soundscapes, and interaction via intuitive devices. Cognitive and Computer Scientists at the Communications Research Centre, Canada, have embarked on a process of exploration to resolve these shortcomings by binding leading edge audio control software to VRML/X3D, thus using de facto standards to extend I/O control and audio data manipulation. This paper will outline the direction of these experiments. |
From Coarse-grained Components to DVE Applications: A Service and Component Based Framework |
Xiaoyu Zhang - Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech Denis Gracanin - Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech |
Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs) are distributed, simulated virtual worlds where users gather and interact within a shared space. Web-based DVE applications are attracting more and more attention. However, building DVE applications requires a significant effort, even with the modern development tools. In this paper we propose a component-based and a service-based framework for constructing DVE applications from coarse-grained components. This component-based and service-oriented architecture provides a great flexibility for building complex DVE applications. Based on the developed terminology and profile, the framework provides a high level description language for specifying user interaction tasks. The DVE developers can concentrate on the application design rather than worrying about the programming details. The framework also provides a runtime platform for coarse-grained components integration and a shared scene graph for coordinating the presentation for individual users. |
Grid-Based Large-scale Web3D Collaborative Virtual Environment |
Qingping Lin - Nanyang Technological University Hong Kang Neo - Nanyang Technological University Liang Zhang - Nanyang Technological University Guangbin Huang - Nanyang Technological University Robert Gay - Nanyang Technological University |
This paper presents a grid-based large-scale web3D collaborative virtual environment that has the capability of scaling across multiple geographically dispersed resources. The architecture consists of distributed mobile agents working cooperatively in supporting and managing the web3D collaborative virtual environments. The mobile agents’ tasks include managing persistency and consistency of the virtual worlds, maintaining reliability and efficiency of user interactions, ensuring security and integrity of data and systems. The mobile agents are autonomous and have the ability of migrating among hosts to maximize resource utilizations. Grid technologies allow the mobile agents to execute and communicate securely in multiple administrative domains. Grid-based scheduling components and polices are integrated to provide intelligent resource optimizations. Furthermore, a better load-balancing can be achieved by utilizing additional or more accurate information like data-user proximity and hosts’ workload. The result will be a more scalable and robust architecture for supporting large-scale web3D collaborative virtual environment. |
An Open Protocol for Wide-area Multi-user X3D |
Jay Weber - Media Machines, Inc. Tony Parisi - Media Machines, Inc. |
This paper describes work to create an open protocol for wide-area multi-user X3D, incorporating many aspects of prior academic, experimental, and proprietary systems, but emphasizing simplicity and practicality for use among heterogeneous Internet user agents. In the Internet tradition, it is documented as a protocol (rather than a framework), and backed by freely-available reference implementations. The hope is that this protocol is useful to those working on new X3D networking nodes as well as to those building multi-user world systems. |
IRVE-Serve: A Visualization Gateway for Spatially-Registered Time Series Data |
Nicholas Polys - Virginia Tech Michael Shapiro - Tufts University Karen Duca - VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine |
Scientists regularly confront situations where they are trying to understand large quantities of information, that vary over time and space. Analyzing such systems where structure and function are related is still a challenge despite the continued improvement of visualization tools and techniques. Given the spatial basis of many simulations, Information Rich Virtual Environments (IRVEs) can be a successful way of presenting heterogeneous information in an intuitively comprehensible form. In this paper we describe the evolution of a web-based IRVE delivery system for simulation data. Our framework decouples geometry, the underlying data set, and the expressive repertory for information display. This allows us to incorporate domain-specific information while providing for easy retargeting of the information displayed in that domain. As a result of these abstractions, we are able to continually expand and improve our visual mappings and components and finally apply our framework in a completely unrelated domain. |
3D SPACE: Using Depth and Movement for Selection Tasks |
Dale Patterson - Griffith University |
This paper describes two new three dimensional interface components (The Flow and Circulatory system). These components utilize the depth provided by 3D computer graphics to present complex information in a natural three dimensional form for user interaction. Part of a larger research project with the objective of applying 3D computer graphics to the field of human computer interfaces, this research focuses mainly on the content of the 3D space and how users utilize and interact with that content, rather than physical device related issues. Each of the new 3D interface components is designed for a particular mainstream real world interaction task (eg. web search/browsing activities). In addition to the specific components it introduces the concept of “active 3D interfaces”, a new style of interface that presents its data to the user rather than statically waiting for the user to interact with it. Each interface is described in terms of its design, function and performance in user trials. These trials clearly demonstrate the potential for active 3D interfaces in a range of common interaction tasks. |
3D Digital Dossiers -- a new way of presenting cultural heritage on the Web |
Anton Eliens - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Yiwen Wang - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Chris van Riel - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Tatja Scholte - Instituut Collectie Nederland |
In this paper we give a comprehensive overview of our work on digital dossiers for the presentation of cultural heritage, in particular contemporary art, on the web using standard 3D technology. Digital dossiers allow for navigation using concept-graphs, and use 3D in an essential manner to present artwork installations, as 3D models, as well as all the relevant information needed for understanding the artwork, and, for curators, for the preservation and possible re-installation of the artwork(s). Our discussion encompasses requirements, implementation issues, and the realization of guided tours in digital dossiers, that provide a narrative facility as well as tools to experiment with exhibition parameters in virtual space. |
An experience using X3D for Virtual Cultural Heritage |
Marcio Cabral - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of
Sao Paulo - Brazil Marcelo Zuffo - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil Silvia Ghirotti - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil Olavo Belloc - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil Leonardo Nomura - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil Mario Nagamura - Laboratory of Integrated Systems - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil |
In this paper we present our experience in using Virtual Reality Technologies to accurately reconstruct and further explore ancient and historic city buildings. Virtual reality techniques provide a powerful set of tools to explore and access the history of a city. In order to explore, visualize and hear such history, we divided the process in three phases: historical data gathering and analysis; 3D reconstruction and modeling; interactive immersive visualization, auralization and display. The set of guidelines devised helped to put into practice the extensible tools available in VR but not always easy to put together by inexperienced users. These guidelines also helped the smoothness of our work and helped avoiding problems in the subsequent phases. Most importantly, the X3D standard provided an environment capable of helping the design and validation process as well as the visualization phase. To finalize, we present the results achieved and further analyze the extensibility of the framework. Although VR tools and techniques are widely available at present, there is still a gap between using the tools and really taking advantage of VR in historic architectural reconstruction so that users might immerse themselves into this world and thus be able to consider various scenarios and possibilities that might lead to new insightful inspiration. This is an ongoing process that we think will increase and help current architectural development. |
The VRML model of Victoria Square in Gorizia (Italy) from laser scanning and photogrammetric 3D surveys |
Domenico Visintini - Department of Georesources and Territory - University
of Udine Anna Spangher - Department of Georesources and Territory - University of Udine Barbara Fico - Department of Georesources and Territory - University of Udine |
In this paper, the novel 3D survey technique of laser scanning integrated with photogrammetric images is introduced as a quasi-automatic way for the detailed modeling and the virtual rendering of whole cities with complex geometries and structures. Afterwards, some specifications and examples are given about the different reachable levels of detail, on the base of our surveys done in the city of Gorizia (Italy). Thanks to the laser building volumes and the photogrammetric image textures a VRML model for Victoria Square has been obtained: such a high level of detail 3D model is described in the last part of this paper. |
sTeam3D: Bringing Together Virtual Communities and CSCW |
Stefan Mischke - University of Paderborn Frank Goetz - University of Paderborn Robert Hinn - Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn Thorsten Hampel - Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn |
Today CSCW systems are used in various scientific, economic, and industrial areas. The logical next step is that collaborators not only want to work together by sharing documents or by communicating via mail or chat. Rather it would be more interesting to meet colleagues, business partners, and customers in a virtual world, e.g. to discuss design and look of various products or concepts in 3D space and in real-time. Thereby, it is important that the whole cooperative functionality remains available. Most developments that bring a virtual community to the computer desktop are proprietary solutions that only partially contain CSCW features. In order to solve this problem and to provide a satisfying and functional virtual environment our aim was the development of an X3D-based Web3D client for a sophisticated CSCW system. As a server system we chose sTeam, a free CSCW system that is part of the Debian Linux distribution. Hence, virtual communities are able to use sTeam and our 3D client sTeam3D to get a fully featured CSCW environment. |
Building Information Modeling: The Web3D Application for AEC |
Dace Campbell - M. A. Mortenson Co. |
There is currently a dramatic shift in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry to embrace Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a tool that can assist in integrating the fragmented industry by eliminating inefficiencies and redundancies, improving collaboration and communication, and enhancing overall productivity. In the context of this revolution, the intent of this paper is three-fold: 1) To introduce and define BIM to the Web3D community as an application of Web3D to the AEC industry. 2) To describe and illustrate the various ways innovative designers and contractors are applying BIM and Web3D tools in the AEC industry. 3) To challenge the Web3D community to collaborate with BIM and AEC-specific open standards organizations like the International Alliance for Interoperability and to discover ways to integrate X3D with the IFC file formats. |
Curriculum visualization in 3D |
Lorenzo Sommaruga - SUPSI-DTI Nadia Catenazzi - Labi |
This paper describes a 3D environment for representing a university undergraduate education programme. More specifically, the curriculum data selected for representation, how they are visualized in the 3D environment, and the process of generating it are detailed. Modules and curricula have been rendered in such a way that many numerical data, such as credits and duration, are translated into a graphical form, resulting in a simple and intuitive overall view. This effective visualization strategy provides added-value in comparison with the more traditional textual presentation. The 3D environment, based on the X3D language, is dynamically generated from a database thanks to an XSLT transformation. The use of a powerful XML based Web publishing tool, i.e. Apache Cocoon, allows this transformation to be easily performed “on the fly”. |
Optimized MPEG-4 animation encoder for motion capture data |
Marius Preda - Institut National des Télécommunications Blagica Jovanova - Institut National des Télécommunications Ivica Arsov - Institut National des Télécommunications Françoise Prêteux - Institut National des Télécommunications |
This paper presents first compression results on using the MPEG-4 BBA standard for encoding motion capture data. We first introduce a detailed description of the main compression mechanisms used in recently BBA standard: prediction, frequency transform, quantization and entropy encoder and discuss the theoretical range of encoding performances. Then we introduce an optimized BBA encoder including also a key-frame reduction mechanism and show the compression results on animation files from typical motion capture data-base. We compare the results with the ones reported in literature showing the advantages of the MPEG-4 BBA in terms of bit-rate, complexity and range control. |
Generation and Manipulation of H-Anim CAESER Scan Bodies |
Qiming Wang - National Institute of Standards and Technology Sandy Ressler - National Institute of Standards and Technology |
In this paper we present a procedure to create animated human models, compliant with the H-Anim standard, from 3D CAESAR scan bodies, which were captured using a whole body scan device. We also present a VRML prototype of an “Animated CAESAR Viewer” to view and manipulate the generated CAESAR body animations interactively on the Web. The animated body model follows the H-Anim skinned body geometry specification. The vertex blending method has been used for smoother skin deformations. The model can be integrated with motion capture data. Although the process to generate an H-Anim body involves several different techniques, the discussion is focused on the methods of creating segments and assigning vertex weights. The Viewer provides the functions for a user to explore the components of the digital human model, to adjust the joint locations, to make body postures with a direct kinematics method, and control the animation using VCR-like controls. The aim of the Viewer is to help digital human modelers create more realistic postures and motion sequences intuitively. |
Composing H-Anim Behaviors and Swapping Bodies with Motion Capture Data in X3D |
Jeffrey Weekley - Naval Postgraduate School Curt Blais - Naval Postgraduate School Don Brutzman - Naval Postgraduate School |
This paper describes current work in the evolution of open standards for 3D graphics for Humanoid Animation (H-Anim). It builds on previous work to encompass plausible humanoids, humanoid behaviors and methodologies for composition with interchangeable and blended behaviors. We present an overview of the standardization activities for H-Anim, including a proposed extension for the H-Anim Specification which allows for interchangeable actors and dynamic behaviors. We demonstrate a standards-based approach to the complex work flow and data extraction for 3D optical motion tracking systems. We describe how to archive, annotate and transform the whole body and segmented performance data so that they can be used more widely and with less effort. The approach is compressible, streamable, scaleable, repeatable and suitable for large-scale training and analysis, entertainment and games. |
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CyberChair 4 | Author: Richard van de Stadt (Borbala Online Conference Services) | Development supported by TRESE | Copyright © by University of Twente |